Thursday, August 18, 2011

Songs of the Snarkstress, an introduction

I like music.
I make music.
These are my songs, my loves and my passions, my opinions, my music, articles I dig, and most of all: my SNARK.
It wasn't suitable on facebook so here it is completely uncensored and if you hate it, visit the toned-down version on facebook.
Don't bother to change my opinion, and I won't bother to change yours. In fact, I appreciate a lively, respectful debate.

So here's my first blog-song:

I like to call myself a liberal. I live in Texas, so it usually causes quite a stir, which is both fun and awkward. Ok, but really I'm a liberal-leaning moderate. Sometimes the odd debater will engage me and ask questions, which is fun, but I'm not sure if there are real boxes that I can fit in. So here's what I believe, if anyone is interested. And if not, well, it was therapeutic and therefore worth it to write.

I don't like raising the debt ceiling but I believe that higher taxes on millionaires/billionaires could pretty much solve our problem in 5-10 years, which is nothing when you're talking trillions of dollars. And yes, I saw the Warren Buffet video and no, I didn't post it because I didn't find it truly helpful to a cause. In my childhood, "a trillion" was a fantasy number, and now it's what we've spent. Ouch, if you really put that one in your pipe and smoked it, you'd be wheezing for days. So that's where I depart with the Democrat party and hold the center line on the tug-of-war rope. The thing I don't understand is why there are so many low to middle class folks who somehow get talked in to protecting the money of the people that actually hurt them. If I could bottle that level of manipulation, I wouldn't be a teacher right now, I'd be sitting in Fiji sipping a cocktail laughing at all the people who actually believed my drivel.

I like government-sponsored programs and I'm willing to pay for them. I believe in public school, school lunches for kids who aren't able to eat otherwise, help for the poor and starving and unemployed, health care for the elderly and the sick (we already have that, by the way, it's called Medicare), clean air, clean food, speed limits, jail, the military, the coast guard, disaster relief, our justice system, the ER, affordable housing, water out of the tap, good roads to drive on, stop lights, school zones, and a host of many more services we have become used to in our society. Guess who pays for those things? The government. Guess where they get the money? Taxes. I am willing to pay a certain amount that I don't ever even notice going out of my paycheck so that I can expect this standard of living. You know, there are many countries out there where the people pay a tax and it actually goes straight into the pockets and onto the tables of those in power. Of course there is corruption there and here, but we really have it good. We could be paying that money and not seeing any benefit. And guess what else? Taxes for the middle class (most of us) are the lowest they've been since the 50s. Whoever is talking about the government robbing us must live under a rock. You know what entertains me the most about this? The fact that I hear this conversation ALL THE TIME among my conservative friends: "They should really do something about this road.". Guess who "they" are? The Government! Guess how THEY will fix the road? Taxes! Got it?! And by the way, I've been called a socialist for this. If you think this is socialist, please go back to 11th grade government class. And if you didn't have a decent school to teach you this, maybe we should use more TAXES for the benefit of our public education.
And now I step off that soap box.

Ok, so that's what's rolling around in my brain these days.

So now, for my soon to be famous literary moment:

Oh, life is a glorious cycle of song,
A medley of extemporanea;
And love is a thing that can never go wrong;
And I am Marie of Romania

-Dorothy Parker

And now to send you off in song:
Here is Sarah Jarosz singing "My Muse"

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